github 国内替代产品_2020年7种最佳Github替代品
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github 国内替代产品

Here you will get list of some best github alternatives that provide private and public repository.


Being into software development we very often find ourselves in the need to host our code to any website. For the purpose, masses are blindly following one single medium for this, Github. It can not be denied that Github users have their choice to use either Git or Subversion for version control. Also there is a facility of unlimited public code repository for all users of Github. One more fascinating feature of Github is that allows to create ‘organizations’, which at its own is a normal account but at least one user account is required to be listed as the owner of the organization.

从事软件开发时,我们经常发现自己需要将我们的代码托管到任何网站。 为此目的,群众为此盲目地追随一种媒介 不能否认Github用户可以选择使用GitSubversion进行版本控制。 还有一个为Github的所有用户提供无限公共代码存储库的功能。 Github的另一个引人入胜的功能是允许创建“组织”,它本身就是一个普通帐户,但至少需要一个用户帐户被列为组织的所有者。

Apart from providing desktop apps for Windows and OSX, Github also provides the facility to its users and organizations to host one website and unlimited project pages for free on the Github’s website. The typical domain for the hosted websites look something like username.github.io and address of the project pages may look like username.github.io/project-page.

除了提供适用于Windows和OSX的桌面应用程序外,Github还为其用户和组织提供了便利,可以在Github的网站上免费托管一个网站和无限的项目页面。 托管网站的典型域类似于username.github.io ,项目页面的地址可能类似于username.github.io/project-page。

Moving ahead, we have compiled a list of few other mediums that can also be used in place Github without any harm. So come let’s have a look on the list.

展望未来,我们已经整理了一些其他媒介的清单,这些媒介也可以在Github上使用而不会造成任何伤害。 因此,让我们来看看清单。

2020年7种最佳Github替代品 (7 Best Github Alternatives in 2020)

1. (1. )


On contrary to the Github, the Bitbucket comes just next to it in terms of usage and global popularity. Bitbucket also provides a free account for the users and organizations as well with limit for five users. Also, it provides access to unlimited private and public repos. One of the features which is note worthy is its allowance for the users to puch their files using any of the Git client/Git command line.

与Github相反,就使用和全球知名度而言,Bitbucket紧随其后。 Bitbucket还为用户和组织提供了一个免费帐户,并限制了五个用户。 此外,它还提供对无限量私人和公共仓库的访问。 值得注意的功能之一是允许用户使用任何Git客户端/ Git命令行来填充其文件。

Atlassian is the developer of Bitbucket providing access to the version capability to the users using their web interface. A free Mac and Windows interface is also available for using Gitbucket’s own Git and Mercurial client Source Tree.

Atlassian是Bitbucket的开发人员,可通过其Web界面为用户提供对版本功能的访问。 使用Gitbucket自己的Git和Mercurial客户端源代码树也可以使用免费的Mac和Windows界面。

The domain for your hosted website on Bitbucket will look something like: accountname.bitbucket.org and domain for that of project pages will be like: accountname.bitbucket.org/project. On the other hand Bitbucket also allows its users to use their own domain name for their website.

您在Bitbucket上托管的网站的域类似于: accountname.bitbucket.org ,项目页面的域类似于: accountname.bitbucket.org/project。 另一方面,Bitbucket还允许其用户使用自己的网站域名。

2. (2. )


Beanstalk as another good Github alternative but it is not free. You can get a trial of the resource for two weeks after which if you wish to continue you will have a pay an amount of minimum $15 for its cheapest Bronze package. Bronze package lets you have maximum of 10 repositories with 3 Gigabytes of storage capacity and maximum upto 5 users.

Beanstalk是Github的另一个不错的选择,但它不是免费的。 您可以试用该资源两个星期,之后,如果您希望继续,则将为其最便宜的Bronze软件包支付至少15美元的费用。 Bronze软件包最多可容纳10个存储库,存储容量为3 GB,最多可容纳5个用户。

Beanstalk supports the most demanded Git and Subversion control systems for version control. It is developed by Wildbit and also allows for code editing in the browser itself so that user need not to switch to command line every now and then.

Beanstalk支持最需要的Git和Subversion控制系统进行版本控制。 它是由Wildbit开发的,还允许在浏览器本身中进行代码编辑,因此用户无需时常切换到命令行。

3.亚 (3. )


GitLab is popular among the users due to its features like dedicated project website and an integrated project wiki. Also GitLab facilitates its users by providing automated testing and code delivery so that a user can do more work in lesser time without waiting for the tests to pass manually. Some of the else features to be noted are pull requests, code viewer and merge conflict resolution.

GitLab具有专用项目网站和集成项目Wiki等功能,因此在用户中颇受欢迎。 此外,GitLab还通过提供自动测试和代码交付来便利其用户,从而使用户可以在更短的时间内完成更多工作,而无需等待手动通过测试。 需要注意的其他一些功能是请求请求,代码查看器和合并冲突解决方案。

4. (4. )


Developed by Fog Creek, unlike Github Kiln is not a free source to host your software or website. You can have an overview or experience of their version control and code hosting for Git and Mercurial for 30 days trial period, after that users need to upgrade to the premium version (minimum $18 a month) inorder to continue working with Kiln. Kiln also charges its users for the code review module separately.

与Github窑不同,它是由Fog Creek开发的不是托管您的软件或网站的免费资源。 您可以在30天的试用期内获得有关Git和Mercurial的版本控制和代码托管的概述或经验,之后用户需要升级到高级版本(每月至少18美元)才能继续使用Kiln。 Kiln还向用户收取代码审查模块的费用。

If you host your website with Kiln, your domain will look something like this:




5. (5. )


It is believed by observing abundance of projects being hosted on the SourceForge that it has existed for a longer time. When compared to the Github, SourceForge (developed by Slashdot Media) has an entirely different structure of the project. Unlike other websites for version control, SourceForge allows you to host both static and dynamic pages as well. One of the vulnerability of this medium for version control is that a user is allowed to create projects and get it hosted on the site with unique names only.

通过观察SourceForge上托管的大量项目,相信它已经存在了很长时间。 与Github相比,SourceForge(由Slashdot Media开发)具有完全不同的项目结构。 与其他用于版本控制的网站不同,SourceForge允许您同时托管静态和动态页面。 这种用于版本控制的介质的漏洞之一是允许用户创建项目,并仅使用唯一名称将其托管在站点上。

Typical domain for your hosted project will look like proj.sourceforge.net


Scripting languages like Python, Perl, PHP, Tcl, Ruby and Shell are being supported by the SourceForge servers. Users are free to choosing either Git, Subversion or Mercurial for the version control system.

SourceForge服务器支持Python,Perl,PHP,Tcl,Ruby和Shell等脚本语言。 用户可以自由选择版本控制系统的Git,Subversion或Mercurial。

6. (6. )

Cloud Source by Google

This Google’s Git version control came into existence and moved to the Google Cloud platform when Google code was put out of the market by google itself.  Although google provides its own repositories to work upon, but you can even connect the Cloud Source to other version control mediums like Github, Bitbucket, etc. Cloud Source offers storage for its users codes and apps across the google infrastructure itself which makes it even more reliable. Users have the freeship to search their code in the browser itself and also gets feature of cloud diagnostics to track the problems while code keeps running in the background.

当Google自身将Google代码投放市场时,这种Google的Git版本控件就应运而生,并移至Google Cloud平台。 尽管google提供了自己的存储库供您使用,但是您甚至可以将Cloud Source连接到其他版本控制介质,例如Github,Bitbucket等。CloudSource在整个Google基础架构本身中为其用户代码和应用程​​序提供存储,这使其更加强大。可靠。 用户可以自由地在浏览器本身中搜索代码,还可以使用云诊断功能来跟踪问题,同时代码仍在后台运行。

Cloud Source offers Stackdriver Debugger that helps use the debugger in parallel with the other applications running.

Cloud Source提供了Stackdriver Debugger,可帮助将调试器与其他正在运行的应用程序并行使用。

7. (7. )


GitKraken became popular among the developers day by day due to the exclusive features it provides to it users are just adorable. The primary point of attraction towards Gitkraken is its beautiful interface and also it focus on speed and ease of use for Git. GitKraken comes with an incredibly handy ‘undo’ button which helps its users to quickly omit the redundancies occurred by mistake. GitKraken provides a free version which can have upto 20 users and a premium version as well with several other good features.

由于GitKraken提供给用户的独特功能,它们在开发人员中越来越受欢迎。 Gitkraken的主要吸引力在于其漂亮的界面,同时也注重Git的速度和易用性。 GitKraken附带了一个非常方便的“撤消”按钮,该按钮可以帮助用户快速忽略由于错误而造成的冗余。 GitKraken提供了一个免费版本,最多可以有20个用户,还有一个高级版本以及一些其他好的功能。

We hope you guys enjoyed learning with us. If any doubts, queries or suggestions please lets us know in the comment section below. Do share in comments if you know any other good github alternatives.

我们希望你们喜欢与我们一起学习。 如有任何疑问,疑问或建议,请在下面的评论部分中告知我们。 如果您知道其他任何不错的github替代方案,请分享评论。


github 国内替代产品


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